Hunting for Fashion Indie Interns

Hunting for Fashion Indie Interns

Hunting for Fashion Indie Interns

Hunting for Fashion Indie Interns SOCIAL MEDIA INTERN

  • Support Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr
  • Translate the voice of FashionIndie in 140 characters
  • Drive traffic to FI
  • Communicate with brands mentioned in posts to build relationships
  • Manage comments
  • Engage readers: tweet chats, surveys
  • Manage TheyEnvy.Us
  • Assist with email blasts/newsletters/PR and mailing lists

Hunting for Fashion Indie Interns PHOTOGRAPHY/GRAPHICS INTERN

  • Provide visual support for posts
  • Shoot editorials
  • Capture behind the scenes Tumblr photos
  • Assist with design assignments and Photoshop work
  • Researching the latest in design layouts and modern fonts

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